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Remote therapy and consultancy from the convenience of your home or office, plus face to face or outdoor options

I work with issues relating to identity or belonging, including mixed culture, suspected or diagnosed neurodivergence, or GSRD

I will give you a safe and confidential space, free of judgement, to explore whatever is difficult in your life, and to help you identify what you might want to change

Services available

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remote therapy

I have full training and extensive experience in video, audio, and SMS therapy, as well as through email for those who may prefer no interruptions, or who struggle with regular time commitments.

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In-person therapy, indoors and outdoors

I offer sessions from a cosy confidential therapy cabin, or outdoor counselling (also known as walk and talk), where we sit or walk in a local nature spot.

Non-walking babies are welcome to attend your session with you.

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I offer consultancy to teachers, carers and parents around how to support young neurodivergent people at home or in the school environment (e.g. ADHD, PDA, autism).

This is for those that feel they are ‘out of ideas’, or that ‘traditional’ (aka neurotypical) parenting or teaching strategies aren’t working.

I’m Nina

I am a native English-speaking therapist offering in-person sessions in north west Stockholm, and remote work for all clients, whether in Sweden or internationally.

I am a UK-accredited Gestalt therapist with 30 years’ experience in the fields of mental health and psychology, and as a therapist since 2010. I work creatively, using whatever helps you to understand yourself or your situation better. 

I specialise in helping people who struggle to fit in, or don’t know where they belong, especially where issues arise through living a mixed culture life, suspected or diagnosed neurodivergence (e.g. ADHD, PDA, dyslexia, autism), the twin relationship, or confusion around gender, sexuality or relationships.

Nina Shah BSc Psychology (Hons), Gestalt Counsellor Dip. MBACP (Accred.), Reiki Master Level 3

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Twin image

Identity issues around the twin relationship

Many people who have come across me and my work are aware that I am come from difference – specifically mixed culture and neurodivergence – …

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Info dumping versus collecting the strays

I came across a post yesterday by @unmaskedbyanna (IG) about ‘autistic info dumping’ and the differing ways that different people communicate. She commented that she …

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The cleansing, cooling rain - after the heavy and oppressive heat - has finally come! Everything is bearable in small doses, and even welcome, if you wait long enough for it.

Life is filled with moments that we can grasp as opportunities for nourishment. Break up the difficult periods by searching for these moments, and reminding yourself that everything is transient.

#transience #mindfulness #impermanence #rain

Picking the sun-dried bay leaves I cut fresh from our bay tree a few weeks ago, so that @swenglishmamma and @willowytwillowy will have home grown bay leaves, dried and gathered with love, for their cooking.

I love the sound and meditative calm that this task brings me. 💜

#bayleaf #herbs #meditation #homegrown #madewithlove #asmr #croatia

I`ve been basking in the glorious, gentle, light slanting through the bedroom window on summer mornings since I was tiny.

Lighting is very important for many neurodivergent people, and not only can cause stress or overload when it`s too bright or the wrong frequency or flickering, but can cause intense feelings of peace or pleasure when it is just right.

This, for me, is just right.

#lighting #light #neurodivergent