Reiki Contract

My name is Nina. I am a Reiki Master (Level 3), trained in London and Hong Kong. I have current insurance to practice with Swedish-based clients and have worked in a therapeutic setting since 2010. 

For more information about my training or experience, please check out my training and about me pages. My registered VAT (MOMS) number in Sweden is SE770116138701.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of hands-on stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is based on the principle that we all have energy flowing through our bodies, which sometimes becomes stuck or damaged. These blockages can be caused by physical illness, negative thinking or difficult experiences. Reiki aims to remove these blockages and to restore a healthy flow of energy.

Most people feel physically and mentally very relaxed after a session, although sessions can bring up suppressed emotions, helping to release pent-up feelings. For a few hours after a session, and sometimes a few days, you may feel more emotional. Eventually your feelings will stabilise. This process should feel very cleansing and cathartic. Some people report heightened perception following sessions – perhaps feeling able to see more clearly or better able to notice sounds and smells. Reiki can also help with pain reduction.

What does it involve?

Reiki does not require the removal of clothing. You will either lie down or sit upright on a chair with your eyes closed. I will place my hands on various locations on your body to perform the Reiki healing.

I usually play relaxing music or use other forms of sound healing, but otherwise the session will be conducted in silence, with the exception of a short ‘debrief’ at the end. This is to discuss feelings, thoughts, and your experience of Reiki. After a session, it is important to drink plenty of water and to try to have some quiet time. You should avoid alcohol or drugs immediately after a session, as they may have a stronger effect than usual.


Please read my privacy/GDPR policy. You can find this here.

Conditions of Reiki sessions

Therapist responsibilities

  • To be available at the agreed time, and to start and end on time
  • To offer a quiet, appropriate and undisturbed space
  • To maintain safe, professional boundaries
  • To maintain confidentiality, as outlined above
  • In the unlikely event, I cancel, I aim to offer an alternative appointment as soon as possible

Client responsibilities

  • To attend on time
  • To give 48 hours’ notice minimum if cancelling/changing an appointment (or the full fee becomes payable)
  • To pay for each session in full before the start of the session
  • To behave respectfully – if abusive behaviour occurs, the session will be cancelled


If you feel you are not getting the service you need, I want to hear about your concerns so I can offer the best possible service. If you feel able to, please speak to me directly.

Payment of sessions

All paperwork will be carried out via email prior to meeting. Thereafter, fees are as outlined below (including pre and post session discussions):

  • 1,200 SEK for a 30-minute session
  • 2,000 SEK for a 60-minute session
  • 3,000 SEK for a 90-minute session

Payment should be made to my bank account, and should be paid in advance of your session. Failure to pay for a session may result in cancellation of that and future sessions.

My bank details are as follows: Ninoslava Shah, Handelsbanken, 6164 – 874 412 951

If you have any questions about any aspect of this agreement or would like further information, please contact me at [email protected]. If you wish to go ahead with Reiki, please answer the questions listed below in the Assessment Form:

Reiki Assessment Form

If you are happy to go ahead, please submit this form.

I will contact you as soon as I can with further information regarding your Reiki sessions. Please note, I do not usually work during school holidays, so if you have contacted me during these times, I may take a few weeks to get back to you.
